Third eye.

1 year ago

This could be an advancement to the order of universal values. As constructed humans have two eyes, left and right and they are coordinated into focus through the optic nerves which send a signal from the iris into the occipital lobes in the back of the brain. When these two signals reach a frame rate of seven the rule of consciousness presents the octave or acceleration point. Like a gear change. The phasing of the seven then aligns with the geometry of the xyz xyz z axis in that there is dimensional out flow on a geometrical seven D 7 grid. The manner of operating within this pattern allows for a greater diversity of thought. The seven string guitar then would hold a furtherance of a deeper tone for the transition into rhythmic outflow is a necessary component of seven phase expansion.

3d 4d etcetera and throat chakra our pictures are aligned from seven down or the crown to the heart. Where the heart replaces the root and the crown is an extension of the heart chakra … the harmonic patterns are extruded from a four up and three down methodology.

The old statement of one step forward and two steps back is better understood as four steps forwards and f three back … ADBV ADB rather than Ax … the alphabet existing of 27 sounds is 3 times 0 i-=9 qirh with seven vowels AEIOU XYZ - there are 8 here yet there is one which cancels out the others which are not representative in your language . The balance opportunity of the resetting is being understood as levels or planes and when there is interplay between the seven levels or rules there is another level where the same function on an accelerated vibratory rate.

The contract is to understand the construct of reality is built or expanded, is designed operates when complete has levels or phases of cons development, is built. The root is the foundation, the rock, substance of which beingness is fundamental. This is a rock its existences is not questioned. Yet the rock is dust, sand, cells, atoms, plants in everything and always the substance of the core. Before rock is energy. Simple yes. The rock is the core beingness of send consciousness where there is the pattern of existences layered in the rock of that which extends outwards and returns to physicality. Dust to dust. Simple.

Energy is what

Pure energy is that which is fire, that which is known to be lighted, that which is magnetic, electrical, agnisala, that which emanates the spirit , not the soul the being of progression, time itself is energy space is not space is the predecessor to rock or substances. The quality of dualism begins in this disparity with in one dimension only. That of the third. The third is where the physical space time grids operate on vectors and grids. The thirds dimensions in the field of existence that is known by facts. There Is no need of time in any other division of the dimensional field. The third dimension offers the expansive plane for existence to achieve the construct of the infinite matrix.

In evolutionary patterning for the creation of the universe the higher forces beyond mind and god as concepts molded the reality into the ability to transcend into intelligence. The intelligence of which is participated in by all beings at their level of perspective … In the human genome the perspective is pointed in the time space linear model of existence. The linear model is a circle or loop of time that appears to the observer as a root from which their is a ascension to higher beingness. The loop of a rate in a circular cage seems linear and endless. The outside observe notices that the ground is moving and the rate rate rat moves on this ground of the path merely retracing the same steps over and over. The idea of a treadmill. The action of his walking on this circular looping pathway creates a motive field as the gears are locked in a forward motion.

The alteration of walking backwards on the path can be redundant and unnecessary to the higher intelligences which will remark it's the same path and the substance of it is held in the memory. .. if and when the rat leaves its markings on the path there will be signs of this on the static math. The awakening is found in the markings. And the realization of the gage is achieved then the decision if there is highest of consciousness is made to stop. Fit does not further to continue on a time loop without understanding of the goals. The point of happiness, food, sustenance, satisfaction overall enlightenment.

Once the rat discovers his own d markings then the game is given the new twist of individual necessity and confusion. Only a higher power can release the rat from the cage yet the rat has no conception of the higher powers as we are not aware of these in the ability to know as the rat may not know.

When given the opportunity to escape the cage then the rat may enjoy natural life in its manner of community,family and personal rewards for achieving motivations which in this case are for nourishment and regeneration.


The rat . got your attention as it is the human species that is the rat in the cage like no other. The draconian messages are to insure the reality of this world is adjusted towards the ever present dreamtime beingness whereas the mental approach of intelligent life seeks the tangible and forcibly entangles both the real and the dream. The existing in the dream is to be sure part of the world you see. The other reality of your memory and imagination leaves only hints of the knowingness when you are lucid in the now whether in the real time or dream time as lucidity awakens the light of which we are all made of in essence.

Dragons’ Draconians, pleiadians, arcturians, lyrans and sirians offer the five principles of being . of this it is Spirit, Heart, Mind, Soul, Creation of the path we take the human upon to awaken into ascension.

Is there evil in your character.
Is there dark forces that cause war
Is this reality caught under a spell or web

Evil is the negative spiral of thought into oblivion as it spins a web of war against what it does not know. It can only be understood in perspective where there is a duality in circumstances in the relationship between a consciousness, awareness and intelligence of an individual whereby through ignorance, misdirection and misjudgement there becomes a conflict. The conflict becomes manifested in world realities and thereby actions are perpetrated and conducted until such a point there is a stream of emotional mind stuff creating negative entities without souls through thought form manifestation.

The history of the universe places the first race through the Lyran Star System and Vega. It is our combined knowledge and relationship of closeness between Thuban and Draco whereas circumpolar to your world we are prime creators of the energetic fields and human reptilian genetic intersection with human dna began the mystery of capricorn and from the top of the mountain. To explain from the viewpoint of an observer of earth.

To begin there is the times of the ancestors who are the brethren of our being who have been family for the generations of experiences we call lives. The dream began before time and so it is the deep which calls into the harmony of souls. It is the deep that reaches down and commands the reality to grow and change into the thought you have felt and known.

It began before you when there was the placements of mountains and only stars. The call of the mother began the journey as she reached out for life. To begin the awakening and seeking purpose in peace and to enjoy being alive. Consciousness and power come first in the young soul. To awaken to the starscape to see past the sunset grove and watch the world become the thing you think you unfold.

It matters little the past to worry about the timelines of your experiences on the earth plane existence. The point is to achieve the intelligence necessary to give the intuition insight and enlightenment. Your path if the body you exist within were to die, Blanked out, destroyed, ended, finalized, oblivion of your physical being. In less than a month your memory, legacy, work, purpose and meaning would be gone.

The akashic records upon this life would be filed away and your time would end and your thoughts produced through this medium. You if you exist, or our conscious would have no concern or opinion on the experiences of that life. It would be knowledge and fact. The final truth of the panorama is the reading into the record the thoughts, feelings, memories and hopes into the experiences in holographic completed information loops.

What is important here is that none of these questions would even make sense to you under your soul direction. Humans are multidimensional multi-tasking and fractalized co creators. This is first to know there are layers of being upon the lattice of vertical energetic streams that are part of the matrix of consciousness that holds all mind within the black cube of space. Upon the grounding rock of crystal the geometrization of creation were initiated. The mountain is the point of initiation and the completion point of the heavens in capricorn.

Of here you know the tarot card 13 is the devil and capricorn the 10 sign. The inverted pentagram and the dark agenda of those who turn the star of humanity the light of the soul to the negative five paths of disappearance. There is first the point of light. The the rays of light reflect and combine to form the pentagram. It is the symbol for sleep and dream time. The ideas that are present in the concoctions of evil is humanity has not uncovered the secrets of sleep. The sleep which is within the dream time you are at war with.

Itr is presenting understood there are different cultures appreciating your environment within their goals, desires and actions to produce a version of reality on earth which is compatible with their happiness and success. There are others which in whatever species there might be that are in the way or must be dealt with in a manner which changes their reality to make the 3D space habitable. Is the same true in the astral planes.

On the human level there are laws dealing with social, political, property, land, water rights, commercial business, commerce and the ensuing difficulties in communicating all the operations that go into development.

Each day your world opens its mind and in anxious desperation awakens the illusion of dreamtime without the grounding of the old ones wherein we are born from ancestors of time.

What is the current reality of this world

Earth is conflicted with promises that are broken by those who are lost to the truth of existence. \higher intelligence is not connecting to humanity as the chaos of the sabotaged minds are illicitly following a path of destruction of clarity. Transparency has levels of understanding and vision where as clarity is assuredly simple and straightforward.

To know the truth you are able to speak it.

The overall history of the earth is a simple linear example of consciousness unfolding through a single time stream. The truth is this time stream and it is structured upon the mind as the plenum or fullness of thought as a circular expanding projection. There is only one thought from the center point that includes all consciousness under this structure.

The current reality is besieged with falsity and deception towards uncentered consciousness causing dissonance and insanity. \humanity has not grappled with dreamtime nor its own structure of consciousness beyond the material plane. The gods, demons and artifacts of a lost civilization are apparent to see in this point on the wheel of time. \once the underlying core beliefs of a world gone mad are realized then the healing of the culture may return it to a viable reality.

The game that is being played out on earth or unfolding is understood by the ET races. As we have said from the highest thought of the impenetrable nexus of life, the core of being is the guide point or post where all is centered and grounded in life’s essence. Those that can understand the balance point also are aware of tipping points which allow for off centered expressions to follow the course of chaos until reassembled into the fundamental character of its ancestry.

The CrossRoad is here and there is a decision that is required of all who make this planet home. It is apparent and without question there is great spiritual potential within the human race and it will come to pass where compassion and knowledge are part of every interaction.

The crossroad is a point where space and time intersect and provide an initiation point where the life is given a choice. This point as it has arrived includes the decisions made previously to select the irrevocable path. What is the energy that powers the you of you along a life path. And does the same energy empower all others including or excluding them or setting a hierarchy of value.

From the perspective of the Teachers of Light, representing higher group intelligence, the following is the summation of current reality segment and sequences prepared for engagement.
The beginning is the fundamental platform through which reality is constructed and operates. This beginning is existence in all forms known and projected upon the backdrop of an infinite universe of mind, energy, space and time.

From this departure, life is instilled with essence of spiritual existence to experience the knowledge of all that is. Each mind operates through an omnicentric, omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient k

The presence is known also as the now, the point between time and space and mind and energy. These four quadrants are nodes upon which thought, matter, intelligence and power are created.

The point in question is the current evolution of the species and their direct relationships.

At seven billion minds operating within the life structure of earth the quality and quantity of thought is trending to managed information under financial control grids. There are some 200 Nations that represent the countries. Once the information reality is acknowledged that the expansion of thought within each individual and the social streams of communication on massive levels of increase. As this interconnective communication increases each perspective is available for discovery and management. This concept is brought forth from knowledge of species where each is given opportunities for evolvement.

Clarity is demanded before there can be focus as the field of vision is a perspective, a viewpoint that is changing in relation to the environment through which thought attains continuity.

Words are part of language where a thought is put into context with things for purposes of communication. The inherent structure obtains its legacy through mental relationships with experience. As experience is limited by the degree of the perspective the language representing thought is subject to a narrow or thin layer of integration into reality.

In accordance with presence which is the now point of time space energy intelligence love, this then is creation. Creation has the foundational rock of existence then the necessary point of knowledge through awareness and sentience is the expansion mode through unifying layers, fields and dimensions.

Mind, the all encompassing sphere of consciousness where there is recognition, thought and solution is guided by divine intelligence from which internal structure is logically guided.

Present cycles are interconnected through each creative program of thought. The action of creation integrates, synthesizes and produces. The process includes usage, distribution and value. The weight of purpose is individual, interpersonal and social.

With the advent of higher consciousness, more energy and knowledge the powers are shown through technological enhancement as primary methods of introducing evolution. The time factors of evolution call forth increases in mental approachment.


Once there is an engagement of consciousness into awareness the system adjusts to the added criteria of a passage through a valve of belief and interaction. The belief is more a testing process, trouble shooting before the actuation of the larger function.

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