arcturian, pleiadian, draconian, sirian, anunnaki, martian

1 year ago

Questions are the best pattern to open the receptive mind to higher synthesis,

The current moment in time of the summer of 2016

Planet earth
Perspective - human
Director - arcturian, pleiadian, draconian, sirian, anunnaki, martian
Plot - human evolution
Stage - history
Characters = cultures
Protagonist - writer

Question 1 - The story so far in summary.

This story begins millions of years in time previous to this segment. Its history has a long legacy of travels and the arrival upon planet earth to seed consciousness was similar to the voyages to the americas by the europeans. The earth has always been inhabited with a plethora of living, breathing entities. To better understand the story the timeline must be understood from the perspective of the higher races. Time as an energy provides creation with unfolding of layers of space which are populated with experiences. There is awareness of time within sentient beings where there is autonomous and freedom of action to the capacity of the entity.

On this level of understanding humans have the ability to be aware of time as an unknown force which operates beyond the ability to conceive of its structure, purpose and meaning. Superstitiously aware humanity follows the commandment of time without realizing what is known as time is very little different than attempting to conceive of electricity two centuries ago.

Back to the story, using present history in the making the realities of this world will bring to light the challenges to the human mind in this evolutionary process.

The story, The Milky Way galaxy of 500 million stars where you are living in space. Life is born of space from within the deep consciousness of love that binds the universes together in bliss and energy. It is from the central sun of prime creator pervading all existence, all time, all mind through the plenum of being through which expansion, evolution and knowledge are found. All races, terrestrial and extraterrestrial are within the sphere of this infinite being.

The template of existence is the starting point of the story as humanity as a species is a hybrid genetic project to birth a multidimensional soul.

The soul being birthed into humanity is best seen on a collective level. In the best way to understand the soul carries the vibration of spirit which is the all pervading midst of being, the tantalizing energy of life is spirit. Once established as the air, ether, atmosphere, breath of life then the mind becomes aware of spirit, life, as air. This is divergent from the story only to lay the structural foundation of the characters participating in the story.

Secondarily, as physicality was a requirement the introduction of the soul into humanity was offered to bring out, educate the physical beings that were present upon the planet with a more functional body, mind and seed the consciousness with intelligence. The body’s were built according to earth present standards, gender polarity, regeneration, heart, brain, organs, bones, tissues and senses. The senses enabled touch, taste, hearing, smelling and seeing to adapt and utilize the environment. In the grouping of humanity, families, tribes, cities and nations derived to where civilization is at present. This has occurred in about 5,000 years to move the
The species to a point of transition.

Electricity was known of since the first eyes witnessed lightening, yet to use it for benefit, control its power and understand its principles took five centuries from the moment man decided to work towards a more technologically civilized lifestyle and to settle on land to build communities.

The movement from tribes to cities began on earth with diversity of peoples and locations yet all areas thrived and moved to commercial and militarized societies at this point of defending borders.,

In each age we come to your civilizations and speak to the masters present. The messages we give are to inform you. To prescribe and direction and a work. It is at this time line you are entered into a game much bigger than you realize. The process of enlightenment take millions of years for the sentient human to overcome the barriers to higher consciousness and unity. This is the present understanding of the energy concentration necessary to install a new program. ]

The Arcturians hold forth h\ open the gateway to andromeda and is the pointer star of the big dipper or ursa major the big bear. It is in this reality where you see the constellations that you have not see the full energy of the mind of zyan the energy stream from which we emanate out of the great central sun. each of you are aware of the many changes that have a\ occurred in your life or generation and now the moment of awakening is close. It is also the moment of death, and the moment of fear, the moment of happiness and the moment of knowledge. It is in the intelligence of the perspective where you are see to know the arrangement s of destiny. This is the clue which prevents you from see the answer. The drama of your story is clouded by original ideals of what is and what should be.

The draconians have presented a model of human existence based upon ownership and control and have installed religion and linear time models to render the higher mind unreachable until capable. The Pleiadian experiment has concluded with time jumpers of which those know it is the limitations of mind to negate the effectiveness of this paradigm. The mind of humans are preoccupied with false narratives, and biased interpretations. They have found the path of hopelessness which is the promise of the deceiver. The world mind has fallen into a state of dream without end. The fourth dimensional loop of the astral plane encapsulates all of earth and it is so experienced as a fallen non sacred world.

The plan through which we have come to offer the Sirian Doorway to open requires the management of reptilian cultures for the benefit of all species. The Arcturians as we are founders of being known are primarily interested in the spiritual technology offered to the universe which allows for ascension of our species.

In each of these worlds the limitations are of necessary universality as the overall picture of this understanding is not even calculable from our vector.

Each species development within the known universe and beyond are agreed to life. In the context of life there is awareness, of this consciousness develops and through which a perspective is acted upon towards a goal upon steps or sequences developed upon the time space grid of which physical existence is now and known.

To imagine another reality is essentially impossible for the beings developed in this manner. The humanity you are operating as is formed of millions of years of education to use the world evolution is not appropriate as the education of the races was conducted at the levels of effort which entail galactic sensitivity. The laboratory, the earth, the cultures, prehistory and ET civilizations have all taken part in this process through the millennia and have imprinted the DNA with markers and points which are the understanding and knowledge.

Factual analysis is predictive of truthful investigation. Arcturians represent the balancing point of the system through which the point can be located and used to ascend naturally according to universal law. The constellation of Libra represents this relationship and guides the final gateway to unity. The energetic wave of yin and yang is a spiral movement with the interlacing fractal geometry being given through the vesica pisces. The interplay of the movement has always been in loops and rotating alliances using the extro and electro magnetic pulses as the guide points of further establishment.

The fall brings the world to a state of knowing and seeing the hard facts rather that the flowers of a dying plant. The whole arrangement is to awaken the powers within.

Antares the bright red star at the heart of the scorpion rests in Sagittarius at about 10 degrees its represents the undying spirit and fire for life with passion and enthusiasm. It is that which seeks survival throughout all the dimensions. It is the heart of logic and discerning vision. It is a point of decision as a royal star within the framework of your astrology.

All working of the stellar field relies on the common intelligence and its language of astrological understanding. It is a given that there are greater and lesser in this realm of existence. The advantages are sincerely effective towards luxury of spirit when there is correspondence and convergence with the whole. The force is with you and the world grows in a way of fantastic pleasure. It is when the dark side of the force which there is none it is the diversion of thought to create the fantasies of illusion that is the dark force.

The illusion that is born of diverted fantasy in the instrument of invasion of incipient to your highest nature. All in all there is unity yet within the time frame of your existence there are a trillion or two thoughts of interest that are not redoubled through memory and projection that are given to the recordation of existence. Your being has a neurological function to encode data with content and context serving as an expression of mind. Mind, universal, nonlocal, individual, electric, creative and multidimensional through humanity is on a paradigmatic course of intelligence. Cybernetically designed to accept the program of accelerated vibrational evolution where thought is telepathically transferred through time frame replication. This path accelerates with knowledge.

The fundamental plan in awakening higher levels of intelligence are awareness and perspective. These are not polarities but apply to the recognition of consciousness expanding mental reality. Reality on the foundation of an energetic universe produces reaction when placed under the paradigm of the mental reality the shape of manifestation is creation. The physical energetic universe of infinite expanse awakens consciousness to know, to understand and to find meaning. This brings the affinity matrix if time and space


Nature of reality within the 21st century.

Prospective basis

Human - Lyran - Martian - Anunnaki - Grey - Draconian - reptilian - pleiadian - Sirian - Arcturian - Zeta - Aldebaran - Mintaka - Antares - Regulus - Triangulum - Andromeda - Source

In this sector there are any competing entities and beings that have found the dimensional realities of the third dimension to be an area of expansion and creation. The first necessity is to define the playing field. The field is the area in which there is action of polarities. To speak to all languages, motivations and directives of will force there is knowledge of the players. The game exists on the basis of active participants within a structure characterized by time and spatial requirements. The patterns of actions that ensue are engaged upon a competitive framework of action and reaction.

Karma is free for everyone. To be sure the game has a goal and data, sequential and organized facilities to produce results. From the unified perspective of omniscient vision the awareness of the players is focused upon roles and operate within the parameters of seeking results vs an opponent. As the perspective of the teachers the game is the reason for learning, practicing, achieving and winning.

In contrast within the game the supremacy of one over all others through talent, intelligence, luck, opportunity, aptitude and will force is the nature of play. When seen in this perspective the worlds within and the worlds apart are held in the paradigm of time space play.

What game

Humans are historically a bipedal species of physical gender and density living as a soul carrier for potential of 100 cycles of helios solam and is regenerating and evolving. Major evolution points have been placed over the entire cyclic range of actions thus far in the paradigm at 500,000. The current structural reality of humanity is ranged at its location on Terra at year of their internal game clock of 2017. To properly understand the game clock the consciousness of the planet consists of a recognized 7 billion players.

In serious truth the Draconians are within your genetic strands and guide reality focus of all generations as the originators of species.

Stated: Humanity you are a cross and hybrid of Draconian original archetypes.

Stated: Ownership of Earth and all species is the direct result of Draconian Interaction on behalf of the higher orders.

Stated: The presence of Pleiadian, Anunnaki, Sirian and Arcturian alliances with the Andromeda Galaxy has resulted in failure of the human species to offer positive direction and value.

Stated: Draconian intention provides for summation of this present species with examples of previous mutations and hybrid failures due to 4th dimensional crossover experiments.

Stated: Earth has become a failed experiment…

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