Trading Tools: Charting | I’m Making a BIG Change! [eSignal to WeBull]

9 months ago

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I’ve been trading for almost 20 years now and it’s time for a change. The tool I have been using for charts, eSignal, has been with me since 2007! Think about how different the world was back in 2007! Well, while I fully admit my stubbornness played a role in hindering this change, I suppose later is better than never! Technology is an amazing creature and has come a long way since I first started using eSignal. This technology change in combination with the cost savings of making a switch lead to a simple conclusion: WeBull it is! Why make the change? Would it be worth it? These were all questions I constantly battled. With a few recent tests and comparisons, it’s become quite evident that WeBull will get the job done for what I need, so why pay almost $200 per month for something I can use, for free! Let me show you, in detail, the differences and why in my mind they weren’t large enough to justify the cost. I hope this can open your eyes to the potential that is available, free of charge!

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