10 months ago

Who loves Steak & Potatoes???

Most of us that aren’t vegetarian or vegan, that’s who!!

If you’re a “steak & potatoes” type of person, you are going to LOVE this! Everything comes together quickly, it’s all cooked on the grill, minimal ingredients, very little technique, super simple, and OMG!!!! So freaking delicious!!

Pommes de terre fondates is the French term for the amazing potatoes. It literally translates to “Melting apples of the ground.”

“Fondant” in French means “melting,” and that is exactly what these potatoes do… the melt in your mouth!!

The beauty?? This works with ANY type of potato. But if you’re using a starchier potato like russet or red, just eliminate the flour. Since I used golds and they aren’t as starchy, I added the flour to thicken the gravy that is naturally created from this cooking method.

Now, some recipes want it to be SUPER fancy and have you use a ring mold to cut your potato cylinders and then bevel the edges with a peeler. And if you’re looking for a super high end fancy dish for plating, then by all means, go for it!!

Here on All American Cooking? “Ain’t nobody got time for that!” As long as the sizes of your potato “cylinders” are mostly fairly kinda sorta even, you will be FINE!!!

If you’re not cooking on the grill or using cast iron, get your carbon steel or stainless steel… or yes, even your Teflon coated pan SCORCHING hot! I mean, preheat that kid for at least 5 minutes. Do NOT use olive oil or butter alone - these temps will scorch both leaving you with a nasty butter flavor. I recommend clarified butter or ghee, or use a high smoke point oil like avocado or grapeseed and then a pat of butter for flavor. Oil keeps the butter from scorching.

Lay your kids in there and let them cook. 5-6, even 7-8 minutes, checking for color. You want that Maillard reaction to give you a nice browning on the potato. Once it’s there, flip your kids. As that crust is forming on the other side, nothing wrong with tilting your pan and using a spoon to baste some of that liquid gold onto those potatoes.

Now, if you’re using red or russet potatoes, no need to add any flour. They’re starchy enough. Just add enough chicken stock to cover the potatoes about halfway. Then transfer to a 350F oven and cook for 15-20 minutes until super tender and the liquid is reduced by at least half or more. What liquid remains will have thickened slightly from starch in the potatoes (or the flour added to make a roux if you’re using gold potatoes) Plate you spuds and spoon some of that silky gravy over the tops. These potatoes absorb a lot of that chicken stock, making them super soft, super tender, and super delicious!!

It’s the easiest way to make ordinary potatoes less boring, and again - if you want to do the ring cutter and beveled edges to make it super fancy looking? Do it!! Impress the hell out of your family and friends and make them think you went to French culinary school!! (Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me!!)

And how about that steak??? The reverse seat method is one of several ways to get a perfectly cooked, tender, juicy, and delicious steak! Simply cook it indirect heat on your grill or in your oven until the internal temp is 125F. And then give that kid a crust! Use the hot coals, a scorching hot cast iron pan, a broiler, a torch… whatever you need to do to give that kid a crust! Just make SURE to let it rest because that blasting hot heat is gonna have the juices inside going haywire, and they need to relax and slow their roll before you slice into that beautiful steak.

Thanks for watching! Please subscribe, leave a comment, a like, share the video, all of this helps me tremendously!! Don’t Eat Boring Food!!


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#potatorecipe #grilling #castironcooking #steakandpotatoes

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