BFGC - Jul 30, 2023 Prophecy Details A

10 months ago

The Bible tells us that Yeshua is coming back for those that are waiting and watching for His Return. In the first session of this multi-part study we are looking at the physical signs and prophecies that Yehovah gave to us through His prophets. These events will be fulfilled before Yeshua the Anointed returns to start His 1000 year reign of righteousness and justice.

In spite of current Hebrew rabbinical teaching, Daniel was indeed a prophet of Yehovah, used in dreams and visions to foretell the future for God's people, and the events leading up to the Great Day of Yehovah.

Yehovah tells us in the Bible that He destroyed both of the Hebrew temples in Jerusalem, because of the idolatry and wickedness in the Hebrew Kingdom. God scattered the covenant people to the far reaches of the Earth and has allowed them to be tested and tried, until He brings them back in the last days.

Yehovah's Word tells us that Israel will become a nation once again and that the people of Israel will be brought back into the land, in order to see the return of their rejected Messiah, and the fulfillment of God's promises to the remnant of Israel.

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