Exponential Rates of Myocarditis in Young People

1 year ago

Evidence abounds that myocarditis - inflamed heart muscle - has increased exponentially amongst young people since the introduction of the Covid-19 vaccines.

The mechanisms for this are well understood as due to injecting mRNA coded to make spike protein, wrapped in lipid nanoparticles designed to transport the mRNA through the circulation. When spike protein expresses onto heart muscle cells, they are similar to the spike protein. The immune system may not recognise the difference as it mounts a response against the foreign protein, and also attacks the heart muscle.

This is far less likely to occur in cases of viral infection because the virus is inhaled, meeting defenses in the respiratory tract which stop it from entering the circulation. Viral infection is far less likely to result in spike protein reaching the heart muscle for this reason. Read more here:

Read about the damage occurring via Covid-19 vaccination here:

Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna, would know this very basic information.

SOURCE: https://rumble.com/v34eljk-episode-331-out-of-the-madness.html

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