2030 Unmasked

1 year ago

A Documentary revealing the connection between Covid-19 >> Vaccines >> Masks >> The Banking System and The Great Reset.
This Video is for those preparing for what's coming after Covid-19
Source Links, Download Links, Covid Treatment, Vaccine mandate legal suggestions and more can be found at



In the last 6 Min he uses VenusProject Footage and barrels out the terrifying term "Resource Based Economy" this is directly out of The Zeitgeist Series. Resource Based Economy is code for Socialism/Communism where everything is controlled and people live in little Pod Cities. Energy is free and all around us, Tesla showed us this, there is absolutely no reason for a resource based economy whatsoever other than control and ownership. I was willing to overlook some of the mistakes in this video like the word "Feminism" being spelled "Femanism" I thought it was just a funny joke on them. But the end literally terrified me. Despite some of the Solid Information in this video it is in fact a Red Herring. It is very scary because it has potential to wake up a lot of Normies, whom already are very impressionable and low IQ to begin with hence the name. Resource Based Economy = Top Down Luciferian Control Grid or basically Communism.

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