Do ICU patients on ECMO need to be paralyzed? Quick tip for families in Intensive Care!

11 months ago

Do ICU patients on ECMO need to be paralysed? Quick tip for families in Intensive Care!

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Hi, it’s Patrik Hutzel from with another quick tip for families in intensive care.

So, today’s tip is about, “Whether patients on ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) in ICU need paralyzing agents or muscle relaxants?” Well, that’s a great question. It’s a question we get all the time when we have clients that are on ECMO and some of them are on paralytic agents or muscle relaxants, and some of them aren’t.

So, what’s the difference? When do patients in ICU need paralytics or muscle relaxants while they’re on ECMO? So, similar to some patients that are on a ventilator and need paralytics, they are often resisting the ECMO therapy. And if they are resisting ECMO therapy, the flow goes down and it starts alarming, and ECMO therapy cannot achieve what it needs to achieve. And what does ECMO therapy need to achieve? It needs to achieve either to replace the function of the heart or the lungs, in some situations, even both.

So therefore, ECMO really extracts blood from the body, puts it through an oxygenator like a bypass machine, and then puts oxygenated blood back into the body, but also removes carbon dioxide. So, imagine it takes over the function of the lung and of the heart and the patient does resist the ECMO therapy. And then obviously, the only option is for patients to be paralyzed.

It’s definitely not ideal because on top of an induced coma, you are also using paralytic agents.


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