An English teacher abducted an Australian female tourist in Berlin | movie recaps | hollywood movie

10 months ago


An English teacher abducted an Australian female tourist in Berlin | movie recaps | hollywood movie

Entertain Recaps
Jul 21
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A passionate holiday romance leads to an obsessive relationship, when an Australian photojournalist wakes one morning in a Berlin apartment and is unable to leave.
While holidaying in Berlin, Australian photojournalist Clare meets Andi, a charismatic local man, and there is an instant attraction between them. A night of passion ensues. But what initially appears to be the start of a romance suddenly takes an unexpected and sinister turn when Clare wakes the following morning to discover Andi has left for work and locked her in his apartment. An easy mistake to make, of course, except Andi has no intention of letting her go again. Ever.
Eager to have a thrilling backpacking adventure, the young Australian photographer, Clare, leaves her real estate company, in search of life experiences and self-discovery in the unknown streets of Berlin. Before long--while admiring the strict former GDR's architecture--Clare will accidentally bump into the charming and mild-mannered high-school English teacher, Andi, and even though he is a perfect stranger, something in his gentle ways sets the stage for an innocent flirtation in the hassle of the big city. However, when morning comes--as a happy Clare wakes up in Andi's vacant house at a somewhat dilapidated tenement building--an unsettling discovery awaits her, as she comes to realise that, in reality, instead of being his guest, she is a vulnerable caged bird kept inside a reinforced prison designed never to let her out. How could Clare ever have trusted that snake in the grass?
Alone and adrift in Berlin, Australian photographer Clare (Palmer) meets charismatic local Andi (Riemelt), and there is an instant attraction between them. But what begins as a passionate romance takes a sinister turn when Clare wakes up one morning to discover Andi has locked her in his apartment, and he has no intention of letting her

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