the trick to stability is consistency

10 months ago

the caterpillar has escaped
he chose to leave and there is nothing that i can do for him now
it's very important to say this
you don't analyze bad movies, there ain't nothin there
complaining doesn't seem to help anything
the bills that i care about get paid
we have a natural born resilience to worldly influence
there's no way for anyone to win
what if matriarchy and patriarchy are stupid
if you're right then you've already won
you will always lose tryin to win so bad
woman and mentally ill are one in the same haha
women aren't good at leadership but we are amazing when it comes to intuition
men pick up on energy, i think we are more naturally spiritual
masculinity/femininity based off of political propaganda/materialism
by society's standards we are the ultimate crazy
that was my impression of paisley, she approved of that
she is good at tricking me that's why she does it
no desirable alternative to going w/ yourself
why is the normal people stuff desirable anyway
if not, fuckin feminism
swallow yer pride n stop tryin to control everyone
you ain't gon control me, i can't submit for shit
if you know why you are the way that you are nobody can run you over
me in a relationship? that is funny
debilitating experience that is talked about w/out playing the victim
ag will bring up the unusual suspects
easier to remain brainwashed than admit that you could be wrong about things
society keeps proving me right
same w/ my AA sponsors and my mgrs and my priest
wouldn't it make more sense to figure yourself out instead of worrying about other people
just cos i think it don't make it true
i get excited to find cat harr
normies have dogs, crazies have cats
dog people suck and are not self-aware
i say this becuz of all the people that get a rescue dog that have psych probs

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