Thief Gets Spanked And Instantly Regrets Trying To Steal From This Store

1 year ago

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Shout out to Sav Says for sharing this video. As you can see people are really getting sick & tired of the idiots that think they can whatever the want to do because "nothing will happen to them". For a couple of years now, actually probably since the first riots during "the summer of love" in 2020, people have become more and more bold simply because the weak politicians in these woke areas of our country have told the police to stand-down and allow these thieves to steal whatever they want up to $995. Then, if they are arrested, the "prosecutors" have been told to let people go, so the criminals are back out of the street to do more crime the same dang day.
Well, as you can see with this video and what has been sung about in the song "Try that in a small town" by Jason Aldean, people are finally waking up and letting people know that they are not going to put up with this any more and if the police aren't going to do anything to stop these criminals, the American citizen will.
Now, I do not condone violence but at some point the violence that is caused by these thieves and others (Yes, I consider stealing and destruction of other people's property VIOLENCE) needs to be met head-on so this kind of stuff can be stopped.
So, this is a warning to all of you that THINK you want to give stealing and vandalism a try... Don't try it or you might find some serious resistance from the American people! America is DONE with your stupidity!

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