The Backwoods of Canada by Catherine Parr Traill - FULL AUDIOBOOK

11 months ago

The writer is as earnest in recommending ladies belonging to the higher class of settlers to cultivate all the mental resources of superior education, as she is to induce them to discard all irrational and artificial wants and useless pursuits. She would willingly direct their attention to the natural history and botany of this new country, in which they will find a never-failing source of amusement and instruction, at once enlightening and elevating the mind, and serving to fill up the void left by the absence of those lighter feminine accomplishments, the practice of which is necessarily superseded by imperative domestic duties. To the person capable of looking abroad into the beauties of nature, and adoring the Creator through his glorious works, are opened stores of unmixed pleasure, which will not permit her to be dull or unhappy in the loneliest part of our Western Wilderness. The writer of these pages speaks from experience and would be pleased to find that the simple sources from which she has drawn pleasure, have cheered the solitude of future female sojourners in the backwoods of Canada.

00:00:00 - 01 - INTRODUCTION & Departure from Greenock in the Brig Laurel
00:16:21 - 02 - Arrival off Newfoundland
00:44:30 - 03 - Departure from Quebec
00:54:47 - 04 - Landing at Montreal
01:32:26 - 05 - Journey from Cobourg to Amherst
02:06:13 - 06 - Peterborough
02:44:55 - 07 - Journey from Peterborough
03:10:29 - 08 - Inconveniences of First Settlement
03:25:30 - 09 - Loss of a yoke of Oxen
03:51:03 - 10 - Variations in the Temperature of the Weather
04:26:32 - 11 - Emigrants suitable for Canada
04:53:20 - 12 - 'A Logging Bee'
05:13:30 - 13 - Health enjoyed in the rigor of Winter
05:54:41 - 14 - Utility of Botanical Knowledge
06:36:28 - 15 - Recapitulation of various Topics
07:25:08 - 16 - Indian Hunters
07:49:47 - 17 - Ague
08:04:30 - 18 - Busy Spring
08:15:34 - 19 - APPENDIX

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