Down Over 100 lbs in 7 Months on Carnivore Diet and Feeling Better Than Ever!

1 year ago

Today is Aug 3, 2023. Stay Tuned to Ferrigno Freedom Channel on YouTube and Rumble this weekend for the release of the full interview I had with David and his father Miles who have combined lost close to 200 lbs in 7 months on a Carnivore Way of Eating. It'll inspire you to change your life, or stay on track with the changes you're already making, and because they are both ranchers who raise the best beef anywhere IMO you'll learn some things about beef that you may not know. Break your chains today, find the freedom David mentioned.

I made these videos to document my experience eating a diet termed the “Lion Diet” by Mikhaila Peterson, daughter of Jordan Peterson, who introduced this diet to my thinking. Lion Diet is a strict version of the Carnivore diet that only allows for ruminant meat, salt, and water. I am not a nutrition expert or doctor, but I hope you will find my story enjoyable and informational.

#liondiet #ferrignofreedom #danteferrigno #carnivore
(Audio credit for outro: Grandmas Boy movie, 2006)

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