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15 seconds

A Filipino Funeral Procession


  • 0/2000
  • What is the power to subpoena if no one complies with the requests and no one enforces the constitutional right to gather evidence? This will be a kangaroo court and he'll be found guilty of whatever charges they choose. The same thing happened to Senator Ted Stevens. I voted for him between his felony conviction and his acquittal (a lot other people didn't) Alaska has had uniparty representation ever since.

  • Lovely to see the family... Yea, I have had 3 friends in the past 2 months pass..

  • Sad saying goodbye to loved ones, no matter where they are going. But this is the one where they wait for us. Good video BB. Lovely smiles in the auto with ya. Told my wife, I'd like something like the Ghana Funeral Dancers for my going away party. Somehow, I don't think she will comply with my last wish :(

  • Sad to see a funeral BB. Its a bit like the end of a story. People have to shuffle on to a new place to make space for others.

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