Timeline of European Art and Music - The Fifteenth Century

1 year ago


0:00 - 1400 - Busnoys (French) - In Hydraulis - (Renaissance)
7:00 - 1440 - Leonel Power - Beata Progenies (from The Old Hall Manuscript largest, most complete, and most significant source of English sacred music of the late 14th and early 15th centuries)
9:15 - 1450 - Antoine Busnois (French) - Missa O crux lignum triumphale - (Renaissance)
11:58 - 1450 - Jehan Brassart (French) - Gratulemur Christicole - (Renaissance)
17:00 - 1480 - Johannes Ockeghem (Netherlands) - Réquiem
25:58 - 1480 - Josquin Des Prez (French) - Missa l'Homme Armé Super Voces Musicales (Kyrie)
29:18 - 1490 - Josquin Des Prez (French) -Nymphes des bois - Graindelavoix

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