Spiritual awakening with retired Army Major, Bishop Jim O'Connor

1 year ago

Jim O'Connor is a Distinguished Veteran, having retired as a US Army Major. He is a graduate of WestPoint, has an M.B.A. and successfully performed over a dozen exorcism as a Bishop of the Underground Orthodox Church.
He is a Prime advocate in this Spiritual War to Save The Children at all costs.
Jim is also a Cancer Survivor from Gulf War Syndrome.
Jim O'Connor can be seen on his:
Rumble channel: https://rumble.com/c/c-3410738
Email: jimoconnor76@msn.com
Facebook: https;//www/facebook.com/jim.oconnor.5437923
Support Jim: "Trinity Pack" and "Give Me Back my Youth" from the Root Brands. They are helping me recover amazingly from Stage 2 cancer and the effects of radiation treatments. If you want to learn more about the best nutraceutical, please visit

Michelle on Rumble @ Michelle Schiau

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