Senator Hanson calls out Albo again today. 3 August, 2023.

10 months ago

“Yesterday, in an interview with Patricia Karvelas on Radio National, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese misrepresented his party's support for a federal treaty with Indigenous Australians, and he continues to mislead Australians about the obvious link between his Voice and his federal treaty process. He has contradicted his own words and those of his current ministers. As shadow minister, Linda Burney said: ‘we will also make makarrata—treaty and truth telling—a priority. It will work with the voice to parliament when it is established. With respect to treaty, it would recommend a framework for federal treaty making’

Bonus video after Pauline of Greens Senator Pocock spreading climate fear quoting the now famous “global warming has ended, and that the era of global boiling has arrived.” Then goes on to say that Australians have been consigned “to a future of unbreathable air and unbearable heat”.

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