Steve Connolly - Omnism: The Unity of Faith

1 year ago

Omni- means All.
An -Ism is an ideological Path.
A Church leads us to the Light.

The Church of Omnism is “All the Paths that lead to the Light” and that is our Religion.

A New Song composed from the Harmony found in the Many Songs that Sing about the Truth of Love and the Love of Truth. A Religion connecting all Religions together as One. One accepting all Religions as different colors of the same Rainbow created by the Iridescent nature of the Divine many call God, which each of us experiences differently based on our Individual Perspectives.

A Home for the Many to Unite as One.

“And they sang a new song before the throne.”
-Revelations 14:3

Today we will speak with Steve Connelly. The social media manager from The Church of Omnism. We will learn about his journey, how he got involved with the church, and all about The Church of Omnism

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