Curious Baby Seal Gets A Free Ride On Kayak

8 years ago

Fishermen have been known to overexaggerate their success stories, giving birth to a myriad of anecdotes through time. It is probably why, thanks to technology, they now have those handy little GoPro cameras that can survive great depths and insane falls, to capture the moment of truth. Good thing this guy had his camera with him, along with his arsenal of fishing rods, because no one would have believed him of this story!

While kayak fishing at Cabrillo Beach, California, this fisherman had an incredible encounter. Although he had no luck with fishing he did end up making a new friend!

A young seal decided he was in a terrible hurry and needed to catch a ride, fast! So when the fisherman arrived with his handy, dandy kayak, the pup didn’t think twice before jumping aboard. The look on the man’s face says everything - this is the luckiest day of his life!

“I don’t know if that’s good luck or bad luck,” says the fisherman with a huge grin on his face, while the seal just sits there and looks at him, probably wondering when is he going to start paddling?

In all honesty, this probably has nothing to do with getting somewhere faster, since they can reach speed of up to 18 miles per hour in the water, if they need to outswim a predator. But if there is nowhere to run, then they find somewhere to climb, a rock or a perch. Or in this case, someone’s kayak.

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