PAUL MASON c | OXIDIZED OILS & UNEVEN BLOOD GLUCOSE: oxidative stress high for 72 hours!

11 months ago
presents episode 985 | Dr Paul Mason
Nutrition with Judy podcast

Omega 6 from meat, eggs & fish is best.
-if it becomes oxidized, we would KNOW IT because
the meat would become rancid...
If you get your omega 3 & 6 from natural
foods, not likely to be oxidized

Canola oils...more omega 3 than other vegetable oils...
-data show it is NOT HEALTHIER THAN any other veggie oil
-shows that it is NOT THE 3 to 6 ratio, but
the oxidation factor that harms health
Most vegetable oils have much higher
omega 6 to 3 ratio
Checking red blood cells, those with higher
6 to 3 ratio are in far worse health
-this ratio is a surrogate marker for seed
oil consumption

Eating oxidized oils, they get assimilated into body...
-contributes to oxidized LDL [pattern B]
-leads to fatty liver disease
To exacerbate the oxidation load, best way:
-have your blood sugar levels go up & down
Studies of endothelial cells' oxidative stress:
Fluctuations in blood sugar levels are
FAR MORE PROBLEMATIC than consistently
elevated, but flat levels!
Fed people oxidized oils:
-in healthy & well-controlled diabetics: stress up for 8 hours
-in poorly-controlled diabetics [up 7 down sugar]: 3 DAYS!


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