Talking The Walk July 2023 -The Magical Now - Let Go Everything that Doesnt Serve EXPANSION🫧🫶🌲💗

11 months ago

Hi Friends & Friggas❤️🫧💫

Talking the Walk in the Sacred Location here and now. The TIME is urging me to Focus on the NOW. Let everything else that doesnt serve the EXPANSION Fall Away.

Also FOCUS on the Inner Guidance, to Catch the Subtle POKES from the Inner Spiritual Parts of the Self.

Can WE let go and Fall Away All as it has been? Totally.

Enter into the VOID, which imho will be FILLED with Cognition of The New World. And LIFE. Amazing Things Ready For US.

So, This is Where I AM NOW.

Catching the Wave of Incredible Frequencies, also disturbances which are further pushing me forward.

I DO Apologise for the at times difficult AUDIO, because of the WIND in the Mountains. I hope you will be able to catch the Feeling, when my Voice disappears into the WIND.

Thank You for Walking With Me 🐾✨🎶


For OneAndOnlyAdonA ❤️‍🔥


Breathe The Breath Of Life blog

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