Trump Indictment ATTACK On MAGA Populism: Deep State GUILTY Of Criminalizing Dissent

11 months ago

Five years ago, we lived in a very different political system than the one we have now.
InfoWars host Owen Shroyer joins Stew to break down the latest indictment of President Trump and what that means for the MAGA movement.
Five years ago, no American president had ever been charged with any kind of crime.
No American president had been arrested.
We had only two total impeachments of a president in history.
We had a set of norms around the presidency and while America had always had some election fraud, we at least had honest enough elections that Donald Trump would win an election in the face of unanimous opposition from the Washington elite class.
Now, those norms are being destroyed one by one as the left seeks a total war against everything that goes by the name MAGA.
Our total presidential impeachments have doubled, because they impeached Trump TWICE, even though neither impeachment was going to remove him from office.
Now, impeachment means nothing and we’ll probably impeach Biden sometime in the next few months.
In fact, from now on every president might get impeached by the other party.
It could be a new American tradition.
The January 6 indictment of Trump is the big one.
It’s the bid to not just imprison Trump, but crush his whole movement.
It’s the plan to declare America first conservatism to be a criminal enterprise.
It’s a bid to abolish the First Amendment and whatever is left of our constitutional order.
It’s the bid for total power, total control, for all time.
Every time there is a move against the Biden crime family they bring out another Trump indictment.
Owen Shroyer has been politically persecuted by the DOJ for giving a speech on January 6th.
With all of the corruption in our elections what is it going to take to get Americans to wake up?
This is the most corrupt time in American history.
All of this is going to get worse before it gets better.
The weaponized government is going to go after more average Americans and there will be more false flag operations to frame Trump supporters.
The government is now telling us that aliens are real and conservatives do not believe them.
The RINO leaders of the GOP are stonewalling and refusing to hold people accountable for their crimes.
These evil people will not stop until they are stopped by the American people.
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