This Is The Most Adorable Debate You'll See Today

8 years ago

Have you ever had the pleasure of listening to a toddler argue about something? The internet is swarming with those. We still can’t seem to forget the two babies ‘ta-ta-ing’ in front of the massive fridge, each with two different socks on each foot. We never understood what they were fighting about, but the twins were so famous, even Michael Chiklis and Patton Oswalt made a skit, pretending to be them 40 years later!

We have seen the girl babbling a good argument about why it is a good idea to go outside. But brace yourselves, because no matter how cute she was, she has got nothing on these two!

We're not sure exactly what is being said during this adorable little argument but if we had to guess, it might have something to do with those cookies in their hands! All siblings have arguments like these but we're not sure we've seen one that's quite as cute!

At one point, the sister bangs her hand on the counter and receives a very harsh “you no hit” from her brother and we are rolling all around the floors, laughing our buts off! How dare she hit the counter like that? Why won’t she just eat her cookie and mind her own dang business?

We really hope their parents will keep the clip for a future reference, because no family gathering will ever be the same without watching this golden piece of art!

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