Interview 532 with Christopher Shira

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Christopher Shira is a 40-year-old American white male. No Christopher may not be a scientist or the holder of the PhD or any other kind-of Professor type certification. Christopher has been figuring out what's going on since 2016 when he first became aware of a bigger picture of what's going on. From Atlantis to ziggurat, everything in between, Christopher is going to discuss a little bit about what he's figured out and quite an interesting story for any believer in non-believer alike. Christopher says he's here to hopefully make changes by helping out his community becoming a public speaker and having a goal and a life mission of something more grander than himself. Christopher is an empath a clarecognizance gifted individual, or a sense of knowing stuff. He has dream walked, wrote about realms hes not yet seen this time around. He had gotten clues and lits of answers from dream anaylising and paying mind to subliminals, symbolisms, and entendred words, phrases, and even has a secret to teach others...
He's also a podcaster that has had a channel on YouTube that has received two strikes, because of his content. He's struck twice on very sensitive subjects were YouTube itself has removed his content due to community standard violations. Currently trying to grow his patreon. So he can at least have more detailed discussions and talks. He usually broadcast at least once a week.
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