Bill Bart goes on MSM to once again trash his former administration | Check Description

11 months ago

From a fellow Anon.. Read between the lines when it comes to these “bad actors” instead of taking it at face value..

Bill Barr says that he thinks Trump knew that he lost the election.. But listen to what he says about the government's indictment:

“The government has assumed the burden of proving that. The government in their indictment takes the position that he (Trump) had actual knowledge that he had lost the election and the election wasn't stolen through fraud. And they are going to have to prove that beyond a reasonable doubt.."

So basically the government has to prove that Trump was lying about thinking the election was stolen even though we all saw the fraud with our own eyes and there's literally zero way that Joe Biden could have had that many votes?
How is that going to work out for them?

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