Michael Le Flem. Visions of Atlantis. Reclaiming our Lost Ancient Legacy

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Michael Le Flem, M.A. is a researcher, adjunct professor of history and philosophy, columnist for New Dawn Magazine and KennedysandKing.com, a scuba diver and guitarist. He grew up in South Florida, and attended the Harriet. L. Wilkes Honors College and Florida State University, where he studied Western intellectual history and U.S. foreign policy.

'Visions of Atlantis: Reclaiming our Lost Ancient Legacy' is his second history book after 2008's 'The Specter of Reason.'

Michael is a book reviewer for Publisher's Weekly, and was a one-time research assistant for investigative journalist Whitney Webb while she was writing her best-selling two-part series, 'One Nation Under Blackmail.' He has also ghostwritten for authors of the History Press. He is eager to share ideas with open-minded podcasters, authors and radio personalities, and is open to invitations and collaborations on topics of interest.


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