The Most Important Word | Bob Proctor

5 years ago

Attitude is one of the most commonly used and yet most misunderstood words in the English language.

Managers tell sales people their attitude controls their sales. Counselors tell couples to change their attitude and their relationship will improve. Doctors tell patients we’ve done all we can; now it’s up to you.

You would think that anything that packs this much power would be a subject that is taught from a very young age. And yet, if you asked the next ten people you meet what attitude means, you would probably get ten different answers.

When you have a good, clear understanding of what attitude is and how attitudes are formed, it will become very apparent that only a small percentage of the population are in control of their attitude.

In truth, most people’s attitude is being controlled by the media, other people, and the conditions and circumstances in their life. And that’s not good when attitude has such a big effect on the quality of our lives.

So let’s talk about what attitude is and how you can use this information to shift any aspect of your life.

What is attitude?

Your attitude is the composite of your thoughts, feelings and actions.

Let’s take a look at how each of these factors affect your attitude:

• Thoughts: Your conscious mind has the ability to accept, reject or ignore ANY idea that flows into your consciousness.

If that idea isn’t internalized, it will have no effect on your physical body.
But let’s take a look at what happens when that idea is internalized…

Your subconscious mind has to accept anything that is impressed upon it. And whatever is impressed upon the subconscious mind dictates the vibration of the body. The nature of the idea that is impressed upon the subconscious mind determines the vibration or the feeling that is expressed.

• Feelings: If the idea is negative, you will express negative emotions. However, if it is positive, your emotions or vibrations will be positive.

• Actions: The body, which is the instrument of the mind, is the only medium through which the conscious and subconscious mind working together are able to express themselves.

Whatever idea is impressed upon the subconscious mind MUST be expressed through the vibration of the molecules in the body. When that vibration becomes strong the body must literally move into action.

For example, when your thoughts and feelings, or your conscious and subconscious mind, are in an orderly state (or in harmony) that order will be expressed in your actions. You will be calm, focused and productive.

When your attitude shifts, everything in your world shifts.

As you can see, your attitude is determined by the nature of the ideas that you choose and permit yourself to get emotionally involved in. The physical expression is automatic.

It doesn’t matter if the choice is conscious or unconscious. It is what it is. You can say, “I didn’t know,” but that’s too bad; you lose. In life there is no allowance for ignorance.

So I hope you clearly understand why you should never blame another person, or conditions or circumstances for any challenge you have in life…

If you are having a problem, your conscious choice is where the problem originates. Similarly, conscious choice is where are all future success and genius begins.

If you are ready to take conscious control over your life, your attitude and your results we can help. Learn more here:

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