Zillow Vs. Social Media for Real Estate Lead Generation- Robert Syslo Jr.

4 years ago

In this video I will be comparing Zillow Vs. Social Media for Real Estate Lead Generation! Yes I want to help you find those leads today! My name is Robert Syslo Jr. and I’m your expert in in all things marketing and promotion.
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In this video we are going break down a very interesting topic, we are going to talk about Zillow vs. Personal Branding for leads in Real Estate I want to talk to you about what I know and see if will help you in your journey in Real Estate Lead Generation!

If you don't know what Zillow is a leading online real estate marketplace dedicated to helping homeowners, buyers, sellers, renters, real estate agents, mortgage professionals, landlords, and property managers find and share vital information about homes, real estate, and mortgages.

In our experience many of the agents and other people we have spoken to in the past really don't like Zillow, many complain its not easy to use, more confusing, but I also want to share a personal story of how I actually found the apartment I am currently in through a Facebook Ad!

Hearing how this person took control of his own advertising and marketing he took his brand and told himself to become one of the top agents, hence how I got this apartment and why I am making this video about how many agents dislike Zillow.

Once you have decided to take the first step and start building a brand on social media, generate organic traffic locally and that will automatically make things easier for you to land future leads. We have proof that by doing this you will easily be landing two to three leads per day.

Just because it works for someone else that does not mean it would work for you remember that.

Don't just rely on Zillow is all what I am saying.
Robert Syslo Jr is an internationally renowned Creative Branding Expert responsible for the digital creation, production and promotion of small, medium and large businesses. His speciality lies in entrepreneurs, influencers, and any business interested in creating a message out into the marketplace. Having worked with entrepreneurs to assist in developing, scaling and enhancing their message into the marketplace, Robert specializes in branding, video production, marketing, website design, graphic design, television show creation and distribution.

With clients across the world, Robert has helped hundreds of companies and individuals develop their personal story, and share that story online in Digital Video. Robert got started in digital video back in 2007 when Youtube began to become very large. Companies at that time were interested in telling their stories on Yelp, CitySearch and other platforms, now the game has changed to social media. Robert specializes in a depth storytelling, brand aesthetics, content creation, video FX, editing, cinematography, product development, and distribution. For the last 16 years Robert is at the forefront of his industry and has changed digital video to become exciting, enthralling and most of all interesting to an audience.

To gain access to live Branding and Advertising Training and how Robert Syslo built and assisted the development of some of the worlds most notable brands pick up his training here: https://sysloventures.com/secretsrevealed

Learn more about how Robert Syslo can help you - https://sysloventures.com
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#Zillow #RealEstate #LeadGeneration

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