Mussolini Speaks to the Americans - 1927

1 year ago

I own nothing, all credits go to FBIV. Original description below.

Well, I don't like making subtitles/translations for speeches, so this is my last one.
Just made this one to greet the Americans for being the country where most of my subscribers and views come from!

This one went down in History as the very first newsreel ever filmed, and shows the feeling of sympathy existing between the Duce and the Americans.
As hard as it may be to believe, the Duce was very friendly towards Americans, but always strived to make a distinction between the people and its president, whom he considered a plutocrat, a position taken up to 1941.
Quoting him: "The lie is that the Axis Powers, after they finish Britain are going to attack America. I understand how the American people, in the despair and confusion caused by the Depression looked longingly to this man because of the attractive, baseless promises he made. Now the only way he knows to make good on those assurances is to spill the blood of innocent peoples in behalf of a war-stimulated economy."

PS.: Yeah, his accent is very heavy, but he was fluent in english, french and german.

P.P.S/inb4: "Muh he said Make America Great :DDD" well, 90% of all Americans have already said that and I bet Trump didn't invent it nor uses the expression because Mussolini said it, so please spare us all from that.

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