Gas engineers in the UK trained to spy on families and report any concerns

1 year ago

Gas engineers in the UK trained to spy on families and report any concerns
An important clip from uk column news 2nd august 2023.
Gas engineers in the UK are now going to be trained to spy on families and report any concerns about children under the guise of child safety.
This is quite abhorrent. And it's a common tactic of totalitarian regimes - they get the public to spy and report on each other, always for the "greater good" of something or other. Remember when they incited people to dob on their neighbours during lockdown? It's all to assist in sowing division and discord.
Councils are not bothered about child safety. If they were they would not allow highly sexualised drag camps and drag queen story hours for children.
I would say be mindful of this development and careful who you invite into your home. No doubt next it will be plumbers, electricians, decorators and shopping delivery drivers that are invited to take part in this.
Welcome to Stasi Britain.
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