This tool easily cleans dirty threads with the built in wire bristles.

1 year ago

The THREAD WIZARD is a patented bolt cleaning tool designed by master mechanic and industry veteran, Gary Taylor. While the THREAD WIZARD is a revolutionary product, the means by which it operates are surprisingly simple. Housed in a highly durable handle which is specially shaped to be handheld or clamped in a vise, a wire wheel of the highest quality protrudes into size specific holes surrounding the wheel. When a bolt is turned through the THREAD WIZARD with hand or power tools appropriate for the bolt, the wire wheel removes all grime, dirt, surface rust and fouling. This leaves the bolt clean and ready to be used in a fraction of the time of traditional methods without the inherent hassles and safety issues of solvents, wire brushes and wire wheel grinders.

#cnc #tools #machinist

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