Juri: Feng Shui Engine Demonstration — Street Fighter 6 | Xbox Series X

1 year ago

Fuha ×2 → j.HK → c.HP → Feng Shui Engine (QCB•QCB•[P]) → "dash" → HK → HP → OD Go Ohsatsu (QCF•MK+HK) → OD Ankensatsu (MK) → Sakkai Fuhazan (QCF•QCF•[K])

I originally posted this to Twitter a couple of weeks ago:

As I've been practicing with her Lv2 Super and its applications, I eventually began to formulate a combo that could take Juri and her opponent from one side of the stage to the other… and still leave you with enough "Feng Shui" left over for a corner combo.

If you don't have enough meter for the Sakkai Fuhazan — but you have gauge to spare — you can attempt an OD Tensenrin; otherwise, a Drive Rush should work to close the distance, as well.

If the initial jumping HK is a counter hit, the entire sequence will do 4,500 damage — as much as her Lv3 "Critical Art" regardless of your vitality.

#StreetFighter #Juri #FengShui #Shorts

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