A Path With Heart

1 year ago

Venus is currently retrograde in Leo and will remain so until 4 September UTC. Venus and Leo both correspond to the heart. This process of renewal for Venus means a heart centered way of being may emerge as even more important.

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0:00 Introduction
1:52 Venus Retrograde Important Dates
4:21 "The Ex Returns" as a Proxy Phrase for Venus RX
13:30 New Stories: Breakups, Scandals, and Rebrands
20:33 Important Charts for Venus RX's Completion
29:10 Conclusion

Disclaimer: Any prediction or other message that you receive from a video by S.J. Anderson is not a substitute for advice, programs, information, or treatment that you would receive from a licensed professional such as a lawyer, doctor, psychiatrist, financial adviser, etc. S.J. Anderson provides no guarantees, implied warranties, or assurances of any kind and will not be responsible for any interpretation or use made by you of the information, data, or advice mentioned in a video.

#astrology #VenusRetrograde #Leo

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