Grape-Pecan Chicken Salad

10 months ago


whole chicken, boiled and deboned

1 tbs. pepper,
1 tbs. salt.

1 small white onion
2 ribs of celery
3 boiled eggs

1 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup mustard

¼ cup chopped pecans

1/2 cup halved purple grapes
1/2 cup halved white grapes

Fill large stock pot halfway with water, place chicken, first removing gizzards, livers and neck from inside.

Sprinkle with salt and pepper and boil covered, for one hour, on medium to high heat, you can drop eggs into boiling water for the last 15 minutes to cook.

Let cool.

Remove chicken to platter, to debone, and strain stock, using wire mesh, removing any impurities, into glass jars for later use.

Refrigerate stock.

Clean shell from eggs.

In large food processor, add deboned chicken, eggs, peeled and quartered onion, celery, salt and pepper. 2

Pulse until chicken is NOT smooth but no longer is full of chunks.

Depending on size of processor and amount of chicken, you may have to process in small batches.

Looking for shredded, not paste consistency.

Move all to large bowl, add mayonnaise, mustard, relishes and salt and pepper.

Fold in washed and halved grapes, and pecans.

You may need to add more mayonnaise at this point, depending on dryness of mixture.

Serve on a choice of bread goes well with Caesar salad.


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