My Identity

1 year ago

The best, absolute best person for us to emulate is Jesus Christ. He is the only one we should put our identity in. In fact, our identity is best placed wholly-holy in Him. To be like Him is to have loving kindness which is abundant in grace, a patient endurance which has the fragrance of godly wisdom in play, therefore our character is unconditional and yields to learning and growing, to letting be and letting God Work in us and through us. Making room for Jesus in our lives, we place our identity in Him, we give Him permission to speak into our lives His truth that has transforming power on our morals, personality and character, and shapes us in that unique way He has personally designed us to be.

We all were made in the Image of God, this is a common thread human to human, but we all are also uniquely shaped and designed by Him in our mother’s womb through our life experiences that He purposefully sets us up with. God knows us best and most. This is why I don’t give permission for many people to speak into my life. They don’t know me the way He does. God sees all of us, He sees our thoughts, motives of our heart, attitudes of our soul. God knows the why behind every word and every action we take. It is a good life when we live it unto God, when it pleases Him, that our motives are pure, our thoughts are of Him and our attitudes are in check, wholly-holy aligned with His Kingdom precepts.

People tend to judge us by the outside appearance and their judgement can never be 100 on target, because they can’t know our heart, they can’t know our inner motive, only God can truly know that. It is best for us if we yield to God and we give Him permission to speak truth in our lives and we let Him navigate us first. People may have good intentions speaking into our lives, but most people in today’s culture, they don’t have time to truly know me, it is a surface knowing, it is only by a glimpse of my life, where God knows all of me.

Most people who try to speak into my life, I am polite to them, but I don’t give them permission to speak into my heart, only God has that permission. I guard my heart, because humanity is imperfect, seeing through the eyes of the flesh, seeing only in part, and they tend to criticize me, condemn me by what they think they know, an assumption, a speculation, a presupposition, these are never the truth. Being an imperfect person makes me a really bad judge of someone else’s heart. The best thing I can do is work on my imperfect life before telling someone else they need to work on their faults. God has given permission to us to love, encourage and bless others, but not to judge them, because He knows they can’t truly know the heart and motive of someone else, this is His Infinite way and not ours, we are finite, He is Infinite. This is why I no longer will chase after the approval of people, I am becoming like Christ, I chase after Him. He has my full permission to speak into every area of my life, I give Him total access.

God says there is safety in a multitude of counselors, so I am directed by God, navigated by Him as He creates enduring friendships for me, friends that have a glimpse into my soul, friends He uses to speak into my life. If you are not doing life with me, if God has not set us up as friends, if we are just acquaintances, I will guard my heart, for out of my heart flows the issues of life and it is worth protecting it, it is valuable enough to listen up to God first, to give God that first permission to speak into my life and to withdraw that permission for those who do not know me, who do not do life with me.

Many times I have had people say to me: You are this… they label me. I in turn will say: I am not. You don’t know me. You don’t know my heart. I do not let a label stand that has been pasted on me irresponsibly by someone who does not have permission to speak into my life. Labeling is something we need to change up. Name calling, telling someone: You are a racist. You are a bigot. You are a liar. You are homophobic. You are self-righteous. You are stupid. You are foolish. You don’t care. It is funny how things work out in life that a lot of times there is transference when people label you, they are labeling you with the label of who they truly are, the label they give you is a reflection of their own heart.

There we go… just a very few of the labels we human beings use to judge one another when we have no clue of the other person’s heart or motive, only God does. So it is godly wisdom not to label others as much as it is godly wisdom to not let someone speak a label upon your life. Only God Knows. Give God total access to your life, give Him permission to speak into your life and you will know truth, you will learn and grow into His character, been shaped and designed by Him.

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