THEY LIVE, we sleep! Demonic MindControl / DemonCHANNELING in Politicians [the Principles uncovered]

1 year ago

Evidently, THEY LIVE & REIGN freely through POLITICIANS & CELEBRITIES, who have sold their SOULS...

Brethren in Christ,
PRAY for Max Igan: may he find Jesus the Messiah AT LAST, and get born again!
Apparently, the Lord has been giving him some deep understanding of certain things, so hopefully one of these days he will receive a true spiritual awakening as well...
God's will be done.
In the meantime, I used some of his footage to make this video…
(Taken from this vid:

Please share your thoughts in comments, IF you are a born-again child of God, who has TRUE understanding and receives revelations from the Holy Spirit.
PEACE be with you, be blessed in Jesus Christ's holy name! ❤️🙏

This is soooo creepy!
Yep, we are now officially living in "They Live". 🫣

I believe what we're seeing here is the demonic/ reptilian/ Nephilim/ hybrid..., and whatever other 'evil spiritual creatures' from the other dimension are completely ruling this world already by controlling EVERY high-ranking "politician" & "celebrity" WORLDWIDE by now.

I am sure these politicians are just a human SHELL now, or maybe even REPLACED by synthetic robotoids / clones, while their souls are already in hell;
and these Demonic HANDLERS - possibly fallen angels or some other extradimensional creatures - are simply giving them remote commands and putting words in their mouths!
Telepathically, or through demonic technologies unbeknownst to us…

If there are any Christians in the house, you know what demonic possession is…
Only here it seems like it is REMOTELY controlled and highly advanced...

Is this how their HIVE MIND will be operating in all TransHuman CYBORGS jabbed by demonic nanotech BioWeapon?
And demonic NeuraLink?
Most likely YES!

Perhaps, these human shells (former humans) have already been TRANSHUMANIZED and connected to the HIVE MIND run by so-called "artificial intelligence", which is actually none other than DEMONIC intelligence / SATANIC mind...

Either way, my understanding is that the so-called politicians are obviously just empty soulless shells/ by now, probably demonic software-controlled CYBORGS, and their handlers are demonic entities (of some sorts)…

This is so blatant and diabolical.
I feel like we are living in a sci-fi movie that we used to watch 20–30 years ago and thought it was from the realm of total fiction...
It's probably this way (with all PTBs and everybody who is anybody in this world) in every country by now, not just the US…

Lord Jesus have mercy on us all!

PS. Research LIQUID CRYSTAL and what it has been used for by the fallen satanic entities.

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