Pfizer Representatives in Australia Absolve Themselves

1 year ago

In June 2021 Pfizer said that "widespread vaccination is a critical tool to help stop transmission." Today in the Senate they refused to back that statement. Nor could they point to any statement where Pfizer clarified the record on transmission. [In fact, transmission was never an endpoint in Pfizer's so-called clinical trials]. Instead, they raked in profits while governments forced people to take their product. Now Pfizer claim that no one was forced to take the vaccine.

At the same time their representative, Krishan Thiru, states that society is only able to "operate normally" because of their product. So Pfizer now decide on society's ability to operate normally? That's a lot of power they assume over citizens in what was once a democratic nation where the citizens controlled their own destiny, not corporate executives.

According to LinkedIn Krishan Thiru is a Sydney based "pharmaceutical physician" who promotes the work of Tedros Ghebreyesus, Director-General of World Health Organization and Karl Kruszelnicki, Australia's 'celebrity' doctor used as an advisor by television networks and mainstream media outlets. Currently he is the Medical Head of Pfizer in Australia and New Zealand. He has also worked for Wyeth. He is affiliated with the University of Sydney.

It will be interesting to finally see the contracts that he made with the Australian and New Zealand governments, which remain closed from public scrutiny. They seem to have given him a strong belief that he determines the permissions given to citizens in Australia and New Zealand, including whether they can retain their careers and professions, and whether once they have been injured by his products, those injuries will be acknowledged to the general public and appropriate medical care provided. Is he the most powerful man in Australia and New Zealand?

There are also reports that multiple anonymous reports were made to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Agency (AHPRA), who control individual licences to practice, by person(s) with variations of the name "Louise Graham". This happens to also be the name of an Australian Pfizer executive.

Could it be that Pfizer are a criminal organisation? In 2009 they paid the largest criminal fine in history. Such fines are pocket money compared to the profits they make. None so lucrative as profits from a product mandated to entire populations.

SOURCE: - 3 August 2023

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