Isro,s chandrayan - 3 : how India intends to leverage space economy amid jeo political chalenge

11 months ago

Dust and Regolith: The lunar regolith, a layer of loose soil and dust, can be abrasive and cause issues for equipment and instruments on the Moon.

Radiation: Lunar exploration exposes astronauts and equipment to higher levels of radiation compared to Earth due to the lack of a protective atmosphere and magnetic field.

Sample Return: Bringing back samples from the Moon to Earth requires precise planning, efficient robotic operations, and safe re-entry into Earth's atmosphere.

Long-duration Missions: Extended stays on the Moon present challenges in terms of life support systems, crew health, and psychological well-being.

Navigation and Mapping: Precise navigation and mapping of the lunar surface are essential for safe and efficient exploration.

Cost and Resources: Lunar missions can be costly, and obtaining funding and resources is a challenge for space agencies.

Despite these challenges, lunar exploration offers invaluable scientific knowledge, potential resources, and serves as a stepping stone for future deep-space exploration endeavors. Continuous advancements in technology and space exploration experience are helping to overcome these challenges.

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