I debated on if I should upload this

1 year ago

All through my life, over millions , and millions, and more millions of miles, all over this country, I’ve had encounters with some form of badged bully/extortionist or another. Because of all those hundreds of experiences and encounters, I’ve developed a genuine hatred for those wearing badges. I go to super human lengths to avoid them. I don’t drink, I don’t do drugs, I dont speed, I wear my seatbelt, I use my turn signal, and I leave my property as infrequently as possible, in order to avoid the possibility of encountering the badged bullies. These two cops that came to my house, Essentially came here in response to a meme I put on Facebook of a baby raccoon, and me calling it a kitten. I just don’t know how or where you would find two dumber humans with badges/guns,and the ability to destroy your life and take your freedom. The fact they came to my house, woke me up from sleep, over a Facebook meme, will have a lasting effect on my comfort and ease in my own home. They have served to further deepen my hatred of badge wearing bullies.

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