《听君贵语》爆料革命这几年的灭共成果有目共睹,不是哪一个人哪一句话就能否定的。 我们心怀坚定的信仰,不断提高自身的智慧与实力,不惧中共的猖狂与暂时的挫折。 我们一定会赢,而

1 year ago

《听君贵语》爆料革命这几年的灭共成果有目共睹,不是哪一个人哪一句话就能否定的。 我们心怀坚定的信仰,不断提高自身的智慧与实力,不惧中共的猖狂与暂时的挫折。 我们一定会赢,而且会赢得很精彩。共产党,你完蛋啦! The results of the Whistleblower Movement’s taking down the CCP in the past few years are obvious to all, and it cannot be denied by just one person or one sentence. With a firm belief in our hearts, we are constantly improving our own wisdom and strength, and we are not afraid of the CCP's madness and temporary setbacks. We will win, and it's going to be fantastic. CCP, you are ended!

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