W Hotel/Bar lounge fight Part 1

1 year ago

Location - W Hotel/Bar lounge, Bellevue WA

Opponents - Two Intoxicated Russians (Red Head/Black Hat)

Situation - Both subjects were asked not to take alcoholic beverages outside of bar lounge twice, as per policy of the hotel. Red head proceeds to consume beverage and places on the table after warning him to consume it within bar parameters. After violating the policy he was denied re-entry. Upon hearing this Redhead immediately became physically aggressive, putting his finger in my face. After radioing for assistance, I told Black Hat to calm Redhead down. Black Hat did not like being told what to do, also proceeds to get aggressive. Initially, Black Hat gets in my face, as I pressed him to back off. After creating enough distance between myself and Black Hat. However, Black Hat continues to get in my face. Self-defense was initiated.

Resolution - Black Hat got his ass whooped, and embarrassed in-front of his wife.

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