Live Chat IndusTokens - Review 2023.08.02

11 months ago

Live Chat IndusTokens
- Review 2023.08.02

Opening: 蘇芮 Julie Sue - 牽手 Holding Hands
( ( B | Baar Baar| #HappyBirthday (

Open the Bible
-First / Last Words

Zodiac and More
- Lunar 6.16 Julian 7.20
- Ukraine War D524
- 214th day 151 days left

Today ( ( ( ( ( In History (
( ( 8.2

Back To The Future
1. PT-109
( 1943.8.2
( Kennedy coins 90/10 60/40
2. Typhoon Doksuri 杜苏芮
- Path (,125.6,4z/date=2023-07-24,13:00,-5) 1000 miles to the north
- 140 years ( - HAARP
( 黑龙江 Black Dragon River ( - Amur ( 哈尔滨 Harbin
( "News" codes: 1 (
( Eagle or Vulture ( / bloodline
( Revisit X - logo ( LA Times - X chromosome
( Luke 2023.08.02 (
~1hr 26min or so on EBS
~1hr 41min or so on QSI / Utopia

( Unlocks Map
1. China:
- Former Coach of National Soccer team, Li Tie, under investigation
( World Universities Game - ShuangGang /Parrallel Bar dropped
( Shake up -military ( / Intelligence Agency - Spy on each other
( US: Obama on Biden 2024
( Pope ( in Portugal ( - World Youth day
( LK99 ( - U Colorado ( - New Era
( Financial:
- SF tech CEO blames self
( Binance - China ( - US DOJ

- Ozempic lawsuit

( Meditation: Breathing for Balance

Enjoy the Journey!

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