Romans 5 -- the extra good chapter!

11 months ago

And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation (g2347) worketh patience; And patience, experience (g5281); and experience, hope (g1382): And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

Romans 5:3-5

Faith in Christ leads into glory/boasting
glory/boasting + Tribulation = patience, experience, & hope

Tribulation leads into patience
patience leads into experience
experience leads into hope

Dan Mohler says, "We were not put on this earth to have an opinion about how we're being treated. We are put on this earth to allow God's opinion about us for other people to be coming out of our mouth."

Romans 5:9 "Much more then, being now justified "just as if I'd never sinned" by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.

IF your mind is set on things in how you believe YOU KNOW how life should be done = AUTOMATICALLY, YOUR MIND IS AN ENEMY OF GOD

If we got CHANGED because of the death of Jesus on the Cross....

The Cross is what removed the label on a sinner as being labeled "enemy of God"

HOW MUCH MORE / HOW IMMEASURABLY LARGER is the change because of the LIFE of Jesus after the Cross?

IF the way that you live is that life is barely worth living because of how terrible it is, you are one of the people who has forgotten Romans 5. Because according to Romans 5, WE HAVE A TRANSFORMATION THAT WAS GIVEN US because of what Jesus accomplished on the Cross.

"You cannot repent for something if you look like the thing you are repenting about." (human perspective)

You are invited to repent for things in the bloodline because the Message of the Cross is that Privilege is now given to my family to repent for not LIVING IN MY FAMILY. ("After Cross" God Perspective)

Which is more important: to go through life based on your understanding or to go through life based on God's invitation?

So many people make the comment about the importance of inviting Jesus into your heart. I can count on 1 hand with 2 fingers how many people I have heard say "invite Jesus into your heart ONLY after you have been invited into HIS heart."

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