4th Aug 2023 - Challenge your understanding: Climate Change Quiz reveals eye-opening insights

10 months ago

What is the term used for the practice of reducing noise pollution in urban areas and promoting quieter and more sustainable cities?
Which environmental organization focuses on the protection and conservation of coral reefs and marine biodiversity?
What is the term used for the process of reducing industrial waste generation and promoting recycling and responsible waste management?
Which international agreement aims to promote the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity?
What is the term used for the practice of reducing light pollution and promoting responsible lighting practices to protect the night sky?
Which environmental organization focuses on the protection and conservation of wetlands and waterfowl habitats?
What is the term used for the process of reducing marine pollution and promoting the sustainable management of marine resources?
Which international agreement aims to regulate the disposal and management of hazardous waste and minimize its adverse impacts?
What is the term used for the practice of reducing water scarcity and promoting efficient water use in urban areas?
Which environmental organization focuses on the protection and conservation of migratory birds and their habitats?

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