19940000 - Alex Collier Revelations: Andromedan's wrn about the Orion Grp & Alpha Dracs [ENG subs]

1 year ago

1994 Ted Loman's UFO AZ Talks: One of the most interesting talks about alien races present on our beloved Earth. Alien targets, their desires, their tactics. What they do what's their behavior.
We seem so small compared withe their long term strategies... but we need to raise A LOT our consciousness still in 2023 after almost 30 years!

Original URL is: https://rumble.com/v342rep-alex-collier-revelations-andromedans-warning-about-the-orion-group-and-alph.html

Here on Rumble, I only added ENGlish subtitles !

Original show infos:
Ted Loman's UFO AZ Talks Series (Archived Show) features an interview with Alex Collier, who claims to be a contactee with the extraterrestrial race known as the Andromedans, originating from the Andromeda star system. Conducted in 1994 by Ted Loman (1951-2023), the interview delves into Alex's fascinating account of his contact experiences. He shares detailed insights about the Andromedans, Pleiadians, and reveals the alleged agendas for Earth by Draconian Reptilians and extraterrestrial beings from Zeta Reticuli. Video Source YT@UAMNTV

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