A pretty pint of pickled peppers!

10 months ago

After many years (decades? when you are old, time slip slides away...) we planted banana peppers again. They are beautiful and bountiful! After one super sour batch, I found a refrigerator pickled pepper recipe that tastes like deli pickles.

Also trying a new refrigerator dill chip recipe...it won't be ready to eat for about a week so I'll report good, bad, or ugly on those results.

I meant to freeze more peaches today but other garden stuff got in the way (like picking, snipping, and pressure canning green beans and dealing with a split head of cabbage). I was very happy to give away a sinkful of cucumbers to a neighbor! But now it's 8 pm and although I've sorted the peaches, I haven't peeled one. Not one. And tomorrow...tomorrow is sweet corn morning. Too much abundance? No, I'm not complaining, Lord!

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