How's your Worldview? Will your Foundation stand?

11 months ago

The Lord Jesus tells of two builders - two foundations. All of us are like a builder, constructing our own house. In Matthew 7, the wise builder built upon a rock. The storms came, and that house stood firm. He took the effort to dig deep and establish a solid base.

The foolish builder didn't bother about the foundation and built upon sand. When storms hit, the house fell with a great crash.

Ultimately, it's a choice of two worldviews: Rock and Sand. We can either build our lives on the firm foundation of God's Word or the shifting sands of worldly values. A worldview is like a lens through which we see and interpret the world. It influences our beliefs, values, and actions.

Our worldview is influenced by our personal beliefs and experiences. Sometimes, we adopt certain beliefs without critically evaluating their alignment with God's truth.

The Bible is our guide for understanding reality, determining what is true, good, and important in life. By aligning our worldview with God's Word, we can build a solid foundation which will sustain us through life's trials.

If we build our lives on the shifting sands of worldly values and self-centered desires, we will lack the deep-rooted faith that enables us to face life’s storms.

A biblical worldview provides godly wisdom and the transformative power of God's grace. We can live with purpose, meaning, and fulfillment, knowing that we are firmly anchored in the unchanging and reliable truth of God.

The Bible is centred on our Lord Jesus. It reveals the heart and mind of God, His plan for humanity, and the redemption found in Christ. Our worldview shapes how we approach life's key questions: Does God exist? How did everything begin? Who am I? Why am I here? Am I living a good life? What happens after I die?

Humanism claims truth is relative, people make up their beliefs as they go along. Christian theism believes in objective truth.

God desires His church not to conform to the world's standards but to influence the world positively. Understanding the times, like the men from the tribe of Issachar in 1 Chronicles 12:32, empowers us to know - and do - God's will in our current context.

The worldview of naturalism says we are products of random acts of nature, without any real purpose. It points to our lack of respect for nature as a problem and proposes saving the world through ecology and conservation.

In contrast, in the Christian worldview, we are God's creation, made in His image, with a divine purpose. The root problem of the world is sin, and the solution lies in God's redemption through Christ. One day, He will restore creation to its perfect state.

Embracing a biblical worldview allows us to build our lives on a solid foundation—the truth found in God's Word and the salvation in Christ.

Proverbs 23:7 says, as a man thinks in his heart, so is he; our thoughts govern our actions, beliefs, convictions, and the life choices we make.

There are only two main competing worldviews: the rock and the sand. The rock represents a biblical worldview, where God, purpose, and truth are central. The sand symbolises a non-Christian worldview, without a solid foundation, and leading to emptiness and hopelessness.

The non-Christian worldview treats truth as subjective, God is disregarded, and morality is relative.
The biblical worldview is centred on God, provides a solid foundation, and explains the truth about sin, suffering, and the purpose of life. It offers hope and salvation in Christ.

A biblical worldview calls us to be holy and whole, knowing the Saviour, and finding completeness in Him. The Bible is inspired by God - it is a trustworthy source of truth that guides and explains life. A Biblical worldview embraces God’s truth, and submits to God's authority. When we build our lives on the Rock, we gain a wonderful relationship with God.

As we recognise God as our Creator it brings clarity and meaning. Knowing that we are created in God's image allows us to understand our gender and human interactions properly. Marriage and family are sacred institutions, established by God from the beginning.

On the Rock side, we know what sin is - the underlying cause of brokenness in our world, separating us from God and leading to moral decay. Conversely, the god-neglecting life - on the sand side - is without hope, direction, authority, and is essentially meaningless. There's no law, right, or wrong; it's all unclear.

God created humanity in His image. We possess an eternal soul and spirit. God created male and female, revealing His intention for mankind – his design for biblical manhood and womanhood. God provides guidance on how men and women should live, by His moral standards. The ultimate purpose of our lives is to glorify God, and this should be the measure for all our decisions, actions, and choices.

As we trust in God and build our lives on the Rock - His Word, we find a sure foundation, a firm footing, and a clear worldview. We can know Him personally.

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