Florida road rage!

7 years ago

On 1-9-15 in Valrico, Florida, this woman passes an SUV driving slower than she preferred. Watch what happens!

From OP:
On 1/9/15 I was driving home and was stuck behind the woman driving the Hyundai. She was driving the speed limit but I wanted to go faster. When I finally got to a legal passing area, I passed her. I used my turn signals, I did not flick her off as I passed her or anything. I just passed her. I saw her car behind me as I passed and sped ahead. I was no longer paying any attention to her as I continued to drive and come to a stop at a red light.
All of a sudden as I come to a stop at the light, I notice a car come up along side my car, almost hitting me and the car in front of me. I realized that it was the car that I had passed and was confused as to what the issue was.
The lady in the Hyundai rolled down her window and did nothing but yell that I’m a hillbilly, as she sat on the wrong side of the street. I gave her the finger but then rolled down my window as well. I noticed while she was next to me that she had a child in the car, in the back seat. I could only see a shadow. The woman appeared to be in her 40’s.
As the light turns green, she tries to hit my car but runs me off the road instead since I didn’t want my car to be damaged. I honk at her as we cross the intersection and she proceeds to flick me off.
I lost my shit after that. All bets were off in my mind. I threw a can of dog treats at her car but I missed. I’m yelling at her to basically get out of the car. I do not play games with my car on the road. I will, however, fight a bitch.
We make a left turn and as I continue behind her, she tries to break check me. I refuse to deal with that bullshit, so I do make an illegal pass on a double yellow line, so that I am in front of her. I don’t break check people.
I continue to drive and eventually come to a stop at a red light. Once she pulls up behind my car, I see her trying to take a picture of the back of my car, so that is when I tell her that I have her on video. She continues behind me until I turn into my development. I called the cops after the incident happened and told them that I have the whole thing on video. The officer said that there isn’t anything that they can do from a video, that they have to be there to see the road rage and that next time, I can call them and they can try to get there in time to see anything or possibly stop the other car.

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