ANTHONY CHAFFEE 4 | People AFRAID to discuss benefits of meat yet love to worship carbs: CRIMINAL

1 year ago
presents episode 980 | Dr Anthony Chaffee
Anthony Chaffee MD podcast w/ Jayne Buxton, author

Dr Chaffee
medical institutions using keto metabolic therapy to
treat autism and getting great results...
-Allie, on podcast, has son with autism
"My son in non-verbal autistic--ONLY WHEN
-she was transitioning him onto carnivore,
he was getting better & better
-but, at grandma's house: here's a cookie
-he returns home, unable to speak for 3 days
On a meat-heavy keto diet for 1 year:
"my son just tested into gifted program in school"

Dr Chaffee
Another conversation: Jonathan Griffith, bodybuilder in UK...
"I'm autistic. Carnivore one year. Without it, I
would not be able to have this conversation"
Jayne Buxton
-publisher did not want a chapter on
carnivore in book [afraid of blowback]
"Why are people so afraid of talking about
the benefits of meat?"
-yet, happy to talk about the great taste of carbs
-for autism, for diabetes: it is criminal what carbs do


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