Pagan Holidays vs Biblical Holy Days... Easter Is a Great Example of What God Does NOT Want...

10 months ago

Learn the story about Easter no body talks about: "Easter: The Untold Story" Order it for free.

What's wrong with the worldly Holidays? What are the Holy Days in the Bible?

Everyone loves a holiday. Holidays sometimes give us a break from the routine of a full-time job. And perhaps they give us an opportunity to spend time with relatives and friends we have not seen for a while. Some holidays are associated with historic national events. And other holidays feature sporting events such as football, soccer, baseball, tennis, and cricket.

Many religions celebrate holy days. And that’s how we came to use the term HOLI-days. But are many of those religious days really “holy”? Easter celebrations feature customs from pagan traditions. Easter eggs are a pagan symbol of fertility. Do rabbits really lay eggs? What is the meaning of all this?

Many of the traditions we’ve learned from our parents and the culture of our nation or region, have roots in paganism. Often, they hide the real truth of first century Christianity. Is the popular holiday of Easter Sunday really in the Bible? This amazing free booklet, EASTER: The Untold Story, will help you sort out the truth from error and give you the biblical facts and sequence of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection. Be sure to order your free copy!

When we were children, we generally accepted religious appearing customs without question. But as adults and mature professing Christians, do we really want to mix pagan customs with biblical Christianity? Which should we observe? Holidays or Holy Days? Or both? What should we do about Easter? Is Easter Christian?

Many national holidays remind us of our historical roots. Other holidays are more entertaining in purpose. Some religious Holy Days help us to know our meaning in life, especially if those days are mandated in the Holy Bible. But even some professing Christian holidays or proclaimed Holy Days are saturated with pagan customs.

Should we observe those days, or avoid them? On today’s program we’ll be answering that question and we’ll be offering you an eye-opening free study guide, Easter: The Untold Story. This booklet will inspire you with the untold story of the death, burial, and resurrection of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, and will also reveal the incredible insertion of pagan customs into the day called Easter. Be sure to write down the contact information to order your free copy of this inspiring and eye-opening booklet, Easter: The Untold Story.

We all appreciate a holiday that gives us an opportunity to visit family, travel to a distant mountain resort, or a coastal beach. Some national holidays are rooted in significant historic events such as the July 4th Independence Day in the United States; the Guy Fawkes Night in England, Scotland, and Wales; November 11 signifies the end of World War I and is called Veterans Day in the United States and Remembrance Day in the United Kingdom and Canada. Anzac Day in Australia and New Zealand honors the military who served in World War I. The American Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday in May, honoring those who sacrificed their lives in the armed forces.

These national holidays should give us perspective and help us understand our national purpose. They should also help to learn the lessons of history to avoid the monumental mistakes of the past!

How many nations in our modern world honor the God of creation? Who gave them their greatest blessings? On October 3, 1789, President George Washington made a Thanksgiving Proclamation. He stated in that proclamation: “It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor.”

The time IS coming when the Kingdom of God will rule all nations in peace and prosperity. As it tells us in Zechariah 14:9, “And the Lord shall be King over all the earth.” My friends, your Bible reveals significant annual festivals and holy days of the Bible that outline the future of the world. You will want to watch upcoming Tomorrow’s World programs on that inspiring subject, the true biblical festivals and holy days.

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